Young couple opens his enveloped direct mail post

Individualized envelopes for impactful messaging

Direct Mail

Direct mail marketing allows businesses to focus on the sensory experience of their customers. Sensory marketing plays a major role in buying decisions, as it can help strengthen B2C connections. Both vision and touch are key senses that influence product perception. Direct mail messages can further stand out by including increased personalization and physical touches like foiling, embossing and even scent. The envelope letter mail package enables a complete story to be told to solicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action. 

Take a look at our selection
of Direct Mail products

Our technologies


W+D envelope and e-commerce mailing/package machines - the optimal production system for every application.

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W+D modular insertion systems from W+D are suitable for a variety of applications in the areas of direct mail, transactional mail, light packaging, special applications like school photos, greeting card and vote by mail ballot applications.

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In addition to modular inline flexographic printing systems for high quality process printing and coating using water and LED UV inks we also offer high-performance inkjet digital printing for envelopes and mailers in our portfolio.

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A complete direct mail production finishing and inserting system for inkjet print. The single converting and inserting workflow reduces production touch points, waste and costs.

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